There's Nothing Else To Buy But Here's How You Can Save Another $291 With a Single Click...




Upgrade To An Annual Academy Membership For Just $297!

Welcome to the Doing Academy! 

The adventure that you and I are going to take over the next 12 months will be absolutely life-changing, and I can say that will full confidence, because the steps that I'm going to show you, have already changed mine.
You’re going to learn how to build your business and change your life for the better to build your very own profitable, lifestyle business.
And when it comes to business, I’d like to share simple lesson that’s appreciated by every successful entrepreneur I know...
If you have an opportunity to get the same product or service you’re already using at a lower cost, without incurring any additional risk, you should always do it.
For example, an Academy Membership at $49 per month has an annual cost of $588, which is a bargain.
But if you were given an opportunity to pre-pay for the entire year for $397, saving you $191 in the process, (that’s a 30% discount), and your 14-day risk-free trial still applied, then you should absolutely say yes to that offer.
That’s just called smart business.
So let’s do that… But I’d like to save you even more…
The bottom line is that if you’re going to get the full value from this program and send me an amazing business case study and testimonial which is what I want, you need to be here for the entire year.
So right now I’d like to give you the opportunity to upgrade to an annual Academy Membership for just one single payment of $297.
That’s a 50% discount off the normal monthly price, which is a savings of $291. You’ll never be billed again, and you can take me up on this offer without any risk what-so-ever, because you have the next 14 days to make sure The Doing Academy exceeds your expectations. If it doesn’t, I’ll give you a full, no-questions-asked refund.
To take advantage of this offer and save some money, just click the yes link below and you’ll be billed immediately for $297, and that’s it. You’re officially on this adventure with me for a full year.
If you want to stick to the monthly billing, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that as well. You can hit the "no thank you" button, and either way, I’ll see you on the next page.
Either way, I’m glad you’re here, so let’s get started…

14 Day $1 Trial

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