Veyron Estate Protection

Technology-Assisted Living Trusts


President of Protected Families, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Creator of the nation-wide, Universal Guardian Trust

Stacy Pearson 2020 Headshot

Stacy has a powerful voice in the estate planning arena. Her passion to help families avoid the needless financial losses of probate and its family-fracturing repercussions has led her to become a leader in the transformation of how trust services are delivered today.

Working at every level of government, local, state, and national, including as a returning speaker to the United Nations, Stacy has advocated for those without a voice. Her advocacy work led her to create the Universal Guardian Trust, available in all 50 states. Stacy has traveled the country educating audiences and training financial advisors, like herself, regarding changes to the trust laws that make it easier than ever for families to avoid probate and its needless pitfalls.

Protected Families is focused on financial planning & educational services for young families to retirees. Stacy has assembled a team of specialists who are as passionate as she is about protecting children from Probate Guardianship and seniors from needless taxation and court interference. Her team of specialists includes attorneys, paralegals, financial planners, money managers, and industry experts who have a mission to help families just like yours to pass on your legacy as efficiently as possible. This strategic alliance means you don't have to depend on the strength or expertise of one individual. Instead, you will have the benefit of multiple specialists, serving you from their expertise no matter your needs.

The sister of a brother with Special Needs, Stacy traveled home to help her parents with him while they were both battling medical problems. Without their input, she was suddenly thrust into a frightening situation not knowing his food allergies or the combination to the medicine safe.

Having worked at every level of government, both state and national, including speaking at the United Nations, advocating for those without a voice, Stacy knew she was not alone. To solve the problem, she turned to the Steve Jobs of technology-assisted estate planning, Gary Loftsgard, CEO of Integrated Trust Systems, a titan in the industry, and developed the Universal Guardian Trust & caregiver’s guide. Now families with minor children, including those with disabilities, can easily and affordably transfer their assets and caregiver instructions unhindered while also preserving SSI income qualification.


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